The Book:

A Brief History of the Last 2½ Million Years

When and why we created God and how religious belief transforms our evolution

My book is a his­to­ry of human cul­ture, and an explo­ration of the light that mod­ern sci­ence shines on some of our foun­da­tion­al philo­soph­i­cal ideas.

How are these new dis­cov­er­ies chang­ing our under­stand­ing of what makes us human?

Writ­ers like me depend for our suc­cess on the gen­er­ous sup­port of peo­ple like you. So if you could sign up to my mail­ing list, below, it’ll be a huge help.

I’ll send you the first sec­tion of the book, with the first 9 chap­ters, cov­er­ing 2½ mil­lion years ago until 25,000 years ago for free.


And I’ll only con­tact you again when I have gen­uine news and an update of actu­al inter­est. Thank you for your invalu­able support!

Anthony O’Keeffe’s Blog

The Write Stuff

Every month I post on my blog on All the very best and worst in film, tele­vi­sion and music.