Bombay Bicycle Club – “A Different Kind Of Fix”

Smoth­ered with love and fawned over by both Chan­nel 4 and the NME, and duly hailed as north Lon­don and then Britain’s next Big Thing, Bom­bay Bicy­cle Club have, sur­pris­ing­ly, turned out to be the real deal. After their debut album I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose in 09, and the fol­low-up Flaws a year lat­er, A Dif­fer­ent Kind Of Fix is their third album in as many years, and is a hap­py fusion of the two that came before.

The more upbeat ele­ments of the for­mer can be found in tracks like Take The Right One, Beg­gars and Leave It which have a grandiose, mon­u­men­tal sweep as if Arcade Fire had been cov­ered by New Order in their ear­ly 90s guise.

Whilst Frac­ture and espe­cial­ly the ethe­re­al, heady Still recall their sec­ond qui­eter album, as once again Nick Drake is chan­nelled, only this time around his sound is fused and meld­ed into an ear­ly 70s psy­che­del­ic sound­scape. If their first two albums passed you by, jump on board.

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