Daft Punk’s Plush New Album “Random Access Memories”.

Daft Punk - Random Access Memories.

Daft Punk — Ran­dom Access Memories.

Despite the fact that their debut Home­work came out in 1997, Ran­dom Access Mem­o­ries is only the fourth album prop­er from French duo Daft Punk. It’s both a sum­ma­tion of every­thing they’re about, and com­fort­ably their best album to date.

Super­fi­cial­ly, you get the same sense that some peo­ple have when look­ing at a Neo-Clas­si­cal build­ing. It seems to be noth­ing more than a mix and match of oth­er peo­ples’ great­est hits. But the more you lis­ten to it, the more sub­stan­tial it becomes. And apart from any­thing else, it’s absolute­ly sumptuous.

As the boys form Pitch­fork not­ed in their review of it, where they gave it an 8.8, it’s a paean to the kinds of expan­sive, mon­u­men­tal albums that just don’t get made any more.

Paul Williams in Phantom of the Paradise.

Paul Williams in Phan­tom of the Paradise.

Record­ed oh so expen­sive­ly in ana­logue, gone on all but one of the tracks are the sam­ples you nor­mal­ly asso­ciate with them. And in come a host of guest singers and actu­al instrumentalists.

Ani­mal Collective’s Pan­da Bear, The Strokes’ front man Julian Casablan­cas, and 70’s muso Paul Williams, who scored and starred in Bri­an de Palma’s cult clas­sic Phan­tom of the Par­adise (’74), which was such a sem­i­nal influ­ence on the pair. And, hap­pi­ly, most promi­nent­ly of all, Nile Rodgers backed up by Phar­rell Williams on vocals.

But the album’s high­light is Gior­gio by Moroder, a won­der­ful dri­ve thru cel­e­bra­to­ry syn­the­sis of elec­tron­ic music over its first few decades.

Have a look at the brief clip of Girl Talk’s mashup on Fla­vor­wire. And you can see the offi­cial video for their ubiq­ui­tous sin­gle Get Lucky here.

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