A Small Present, Just for You

Good news! This blog is mov­ing into phase 2 of its life. Phase 1 was the slow and method­i­cal build­ing up of the blog from scratch. Phase 2 revolves around my book, which I’m going to be self-pub­lish­ing this Novem­ber.

Before I can do that though, I need to move the blog to a new email sub­scrip­tion service. 

But don’t wor­ry, you’ll still get your month­ly mis­sives, plus the occa­sion­al extra bonus mate­r­i­al and all the excit­ing news about the soon to be pub­lished book. 

All you have to do is to send me your email address so that I can add your name to the new list.

Send your email address to: anthonyokeeffe6@gmail.com

That’s all! Just one, incred­i­bly brief email, and you’re done.

And once you do, and the list is up and run­ning, I’ll send you this month’s post PLUS an Exclu­sive Bonus Chap­ter from the book. 

Your bonus chap­ter, The Death of Socrates describes how he end­ed up on tri­al in the first place, and what the likes of Pla­to and Niet­zsche made of his con­trary behav­iour over the course of that trial.

The impor­tant thing is: send me on your email address!

Oth­er­wise, this could be the last that you hear from me. And just imag­ine what an unmit­i­gat­ed dis­as­ter that would be.

So send your address to anthonyokeeffe6@gmail.com and, as ever I shall keep you post­ed every month, and more!

And thanks for your con­tin­ued support!

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